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Title Last update Authors Downloads Summary Rating
gnusciplot 05/04/2019 KD Liss 0 using gnuplot out of scilab
Set 05/07/2022 Adam Nowak 0 123
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
WaterSteamPro 09/04/2010 Konstantin Orlov 0 Calculate properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures
Scilab Isosurfaces 03/05/2018 Luiz Silva 0 Help to trace isosrufaces
openBLAS for Scilab 6.0 20/07/2011 Allan CORNET 0 openBLAS for Scilab 6.0
CelestlabX4mac 09/03/2019 Hani Ibrahim 0 CelestlabX binary for macOS
123asd 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd
Dataset for example 29/05/2023 Christian Leray 0 Some dataset provided to try the script
Musical_demos6 22/06/2017 Paul BIGNIER 0 Four demonstrations showing a glimpse of Scilab's potential with music
asd 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd
Xsteam 01/05/2018 Kiener Pierre 0 Water and steam properties according to IAPWS IF-97
Test' 05/07/2022 Adam Nowak 0 Test'
isint 17/01/2020 Hani Ibrahim 0 Determine if committed number is a floating point integer.
isint - Checking for integers 17/01/2020 Hani Ibrahim 0 Determine if committed number is a floating point integers
Basic question about solving Matrix eigen values and vector 19/12/2015 Peter Valencic 0 ..
MATRIX ALGEBRA 15/01/2019 PREETIKA DHAWAN 0 This is an example of general matrix codes
Induction Machine Per Unit d-q Model ScicosLab and Scilab/Xco​s 14/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 0 Induction machine per-unit dq model
Decimal to fraction 19/03/2011 david adams 0 Changes a decimal number to a fraction
CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import 12/02/2010 Jasper van Baten 0 Import CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamic property and equilibrium calculations
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
Mech_Oscillations_Beating.sce 07/09/2020 Sahib Huseynov 0 Numerical solving of ODE system in Scilab
Mech_Oscillations_Beating.sce 07/09/2020 Sahib Huseynov 0 Numerical solving of ODE system in Scilab
Pulley et Freewheel components in Coselica 16/01/2020 Frederic Escoffier 0 Xcos/Coselica
Mohrscher Spannungskreis 27/02/2018 Pascal Buehler 0 Mohrscher Spannungskreis
Signal Processing GUI Tools 23/08/2019 Chin Luh Tan 0 GUI Tools for Signal Processing
Attempt to reading an IGEE File 04/05/2017 Pascal Buehler 0 Attempt to reading an IGEE File
OpenFOAM post-processing 07/07/2019 Yann DEBRAY 0 Simple script to post-process data generated by open-source software OpenFOAM for Fluid Dynamics
function labxdtv x-axis labels for time series plots 20/07/2018 David Chèze 0 labxdtv updates the labels of the x-axis for time series plots
mroots and frac_decomp programs 19/02/2024 Lucien Povy 21 multiples roots of polynomial and fraction decomposition of rational.
Signal Processing GUI Tools 23/08/2019 Chin Luh Tan 105 GUI Tools for Signal Processing
Compute Galois Fields GF(p^n) 12/10/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 184 Compute multiplication and addition Tables, and find characteristic polynomials
libsvm 19/02/2014 roshini Lakshmanan 240 support vector data description
SIGNAL ANALYSIS WITH FOURIER AND WAVELETS USING SCILAB 12/02/2020 Hector Lepez 266 Autor: Lépez/Gordillo - Programs developed to analyze signals, Fourier and Wavelets
Fractal curves and snowflakes 31/07/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 284 Draws by iteration fractal curves
Circle Visualization - 3 Point Method 09/04/2021 Pavitharan Velamoorthy 312 Determine Circle center and Diameter using any 3 Points from circles circumference
Musical demos 22/06/2017 Paul BIGNIER 341 Four demonstrations showing a glimpse of Scilab's potential with music
Katamino 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 341 Solves incomplete 5 x 11 katamino / pentominos grids
Automatic Lesion Segmentation 23/10/2014 davide poggiali 405 MS lesion segmentation by multithresholding
GnuSciPlot - gnuplot from scilab 23/07/2016 KD Liss 408 graphic routines which use gnuplot for graphics output
check_video_card 14/01/2010 460 check video card drivers compatibility on Windows
SecuRing Test 05/07/2022 John Smith 485 Test
Temperatursensoren 29/07/2020 Pascal Buehler 507 File with a summary of all Temperture sensor used in Building automation
Modeling samples with xCos 08/09/2015 Sahib Huseynov 587 Tutorials samples in xCos modeling for beginers
update fftw library for Win32 06/04/2011 Allan CORNET 599 update fftw library for Windows x86 Scilab 5.3.(0 and 1)
Nonogram / Picross 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 601 Solves nonogram / picross puzzles
OLS linear regression 30/08/2019 Mario Maggi 604 Ordinary least square linear regression estimation
Scilab 5.5.0 demo 09/04/2014 Bruno JOFRET 642 Scilab 5.5.0 demo
Spiral Graph GUI 22/03/2011 david adams 658 Based on the toy Spirograph
A Scilab Based Simulation Software for Genetic Problem 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 793 This demo shows the simulation of the interaction in genetic problem using Scilab
Recursive version of getd 14/10/2016 Pierre Vuillemin 859 Loads Scilab functions in a given folder and its sub-folders
STL Files 11/08/2018 Jerome Briot 865 Read and write STL files (ascii and binary formats)
Plotly web graph generator 14/04/2020 Yann DEBRAY 868 Simple function to generate an HTML/JS file representing a graph with the Plotly library
Výpočtové bloky 26/05/2016 Matej Balint 874 Výpočtové bloky v elektrotechnike
W3 Scilab 11/03/2010 Dr.C.N.Krishnan, R.Sathish Kumar 927 Web Interface to Scilab
Newton basins of attraction 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 978 Draws the basins of attraction of known solutions for the Newton iteration
FreeASM1 16/03/2012 Julien Laurent 1034 Simulation of wastewater treatment by activated sludge process using ASM1 model equations
SuDoKu 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 1069 Solves sudoku grids
Steamtable 08/11/2016 Pascal Buehler 1083 Data of the Steamtable
2x2 contingency 26/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1110 Analyses the relations within 2x2 contingency table
Real-Time Serial Read 19/09/2018 Alisson Luan Daga 1120 Read the Arduino Serial Port
Load a DXF-File 06/04/2016 Pascal Buehler 1121 Loading a DXF-File with Scilab
First Attempt for an Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram 22/07/2016 Pascal Buehler 1126 First Attempt for an Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram
xyz2asc 20/10/2015 Saul Arciniega 1129 Write a .asc or .txt file with a regular grid form X Y Z matrixes
Linear estimate of future process 29/02/2016 Lukas Malec 1135 OLS based point and interval forecasts of the one-dimensional time series
OXO (Tic-Tac-Toe) 10/03/2018 Jérôme LABATUT 1147 A Scilab clone for the OXO game
Graphic for building a Smith- Diagramm 06/04/2016 Pascal Buehler 1148 Graphic for building a Smith- Diagramm
Scilab menu item enabling/disabling 12/12/2017 Simon MARCHETTO 1149 Macro to enable/disable a menu item in the main Scilab console
GUI Demo for Scilab Audio Module 06/11/2019 Joshua Teoh 1161 Demo using the Scilab Audio Module for real time FFT plot
Fisher discriminant analysis with regularization 15/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1189 Basic method of multivariate analysis searching for the differences between groups
SIP - Scilab Image Processing Toolbox 17/10/2011 Ricardo Fabbri 1191 read/write images in many formas; computer vision and image processing algorithms
Quantile 01/09/2019 Mario Maggi 1193 computes the quantiles of a sample
strrand() 06/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1201 Generates random characters, words or texts from chosen charsets
Electrical block PV-array and DC motor. 07/05/2022 Zurab Dzhendubaev 1227 Electrical block PV-array (6.4 kW) and DC motor (2.5 kW).
manrev2sci.xsl 23/06/2014 Clement DAVID 1230 Convert Scilab 4.x help to the 5.x docbook-based format
Reversi 05/03/2017 Jérôme LABATUT 1281 A Scilab clone for the Reversi game
Intercorrelations analysis 29/02/2016 Lukas Malec 1286 One of the pls methods studying relations between two groups
Double Wedge Airfoil in Supersonic Flow 23/11/2015 Vijay Gopal 1304 This code provides coefficient of section lift, drag and moment of double wedge aerofoil.
Contingency table 26/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1307 General contingency (two-way) table and corresponding relations
M X N array to One dimensional Time series conversion 23/04/2015 paawan sharma 1310 This function converts m X n matrix to a one dimensional time series
Digitize 28/04/2017 Simon MARCHETTO 1331 Digitize data from a 2D plot image
varspace() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1340 Memory allocated to specified variables, to containers components, or to results of expressions
Scilab style for UltraEdit 04/01/2011 Allan CORNET 1347 Scilab style for UltraEdit
Design of the rocket nozzle optimum shape 10/03/2018 Sahib Huseynov 1353 Using of numerical method of characteristics for computation of optimum rocket nozzle shape
isDocked(figure) 13/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1354 Tests whether a figure is docked to Scilab's desktop
polyroots() 20/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1366 Multiplicities and values of polynomial multiple roots
DiagonalMatrix 13/03/2014 Marcos Pinto 1376 Returns the diagonal matrix from a square matrix.
One dimensional Time Series to M X N matrix conversion 23/04/2015 paawan sharma 1378 This function converts a one dimensional time series to an array of M X N matrix given by user
Colors Cube GUI 24/08/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 1381 Browse thousands of colors with an original GUI
Basketball Trajectory Simulation 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 1391 A simple basketball trajectory simulation using mathematics model and numerical methods
strsubst() extended 01/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1393 extensions provided: All occurrences replaced; multiple Pattern/Replace pairs; groups replacement
asc2xyz 20/10/2015 Saul Arciniega 1414 Convert a regular grid in .asc or .txt format to X Y Z matrixes
cummin(), cummax() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1417 Cumulative minima and maxima of array's values
wrscilib 16/03/2010 Werner Roethlisberger 1424 Library for time, date, calendar, sun and moon pha, angle conversions, vba emulation, scale and more
Function to Calculate Row and Column Number provided pixel Number 10/04/2015 paawan sharma 1434 Pixel Number to Row, Column detail
NIST ITS-90 Thermocouples 10/09/2012 Pascal Buehler 1440 This File has all Thermocouples from the NIST Website
strrepeat() 27/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1461 Concatenates a string with itself N times or up to N characters
str2num 21/04/2016 Surendra Yadav 1462 It converts string to number
Calculator to calculate properties of dry air 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1483 calculation of Properties of dry air from 223 kelvin to 373 kelvin
Plot in File 20/12/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 1533 Plot 2D directly in a bitmap file with Megapixel resolution
Thermoelement Type T 02/08/2012 Pascal Buehler 1533 This file has all Datas for thermocupples type T
BVPsolver 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1536 Solves second order BVPs and IVPs using the tau method.
Photo-Voltaic (PV) module 08/08/2021 Zurab Dzhendubaev 1556 Modeling a photovoltaic (solar) battery unitin the Xcos extension of the Scilab application package.
Fast Chebyshev Transform 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1565 The Fast Chebyshev Transform (FCT) at the points chebyshev extrema grid
Examples from Urroz book "Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB" 17/02/2011 david adams 1601 Code examples from book
OpenFOAM post-processing 07/07/2019 Yann DEBRAY 1607 Simple script to post-process data generated by open-source software OpenFOAM for Fluid Dynamics
Tone Recognition - Labview-Scilab Gateway 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 1629 Tone Recognition - Labview-Scilab Gateway
Puffin 3D 23/02/2011 Allan CORNET 1644 Puffin 3D
Heat Transfer from pin fin by Forced Convection 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1649 Heat transfer from pin fin by forced convection
orderfields() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1651 reorders the primary fields of a structure or an array of structures
solution of Raman-Nath equations 15/06/2011 robert coisson 1676 solves (generalised) Raman-Nath equations, as in diffraction from a thick phase grating
The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform (IFCT) 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1694 The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform at the Extrema Grid
browseURL() 13/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1696 opens URLs in the default or preferred internet browser (OS-independent)
Matrix and vector generator for Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1699 Generators of Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind and its 1st &2nd derivative matrices
linear.sci 09/02/2011 robert coisson 1726 a function for a partial inversion of a matrix
add blanks to a string 24/02/2011 david adams 1762 Adds a specified number of blanks to front, back or both of a string
Lorenz curve and corresponding data 14/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1777 Graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function
Gini coefficient 14/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1779 Computes the Gini coefficient as a basic measure of the inequality
Periodic Elements 16/10/2012 Pascal Buehler 1805 This file has a mlist of the Atomic properties of the Elements
mesharea() 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1821 Computes the area of any 3D surface mapped with a lattice of 4-vertices cells
EX355P driver 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 1876 Scilab serial driver for the TTI EX355P power supply
Physical Calculus 04/02/2010 D. MARION 1885 Calculate with physical units.
isprime 17/04/2012 JFER GIRJ 1962 calculates if a number is prime
Logistics Function 17/02/2011 david adams 1981 Demonstrates bifurcation in Logistics function
VCD file checker and reader 25/10/2012 Paawan Sharma 2015 This module checks a *.vcd file for number of signals , its properties
Q function 06/04/2011 G V V Sharma 2025 The Q function, related to the complementary error function is used extensively in Comm Theory
Evaluate polynomial 20/03/2011 david adams 2034 Evaluates a polynomial (either a poly or a vector) at a number
factors 14/01/2013 JFER GIRJ 2048 Decomposes a number into prime factors. Output different from native sc "factor" function
AG_fluid_dynamics 16/02/2011 david adams 2058 Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics - RK3 alogorithm
RTD PT100 Platinum 12/10/2012 Pascal Buehler 2071 This file has all datas for RTD PT100 Platinum
integratePoly 23/03/2012 Samuel Gougeon 2072 Formal integration of a (hyper)matrix of polynomials
BVPsolver (Improved) 21/02/2012 Brenton Horne 2078 A correction to BVP solver. Solves all second order linear BVPs and IVPs on finite domains.
polygonmetrics(), polyarea 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2123 Computes the length, area, CoM, and unit vector of a plane or 3D simple polygon
Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets 01/12/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 2130 Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets, Galois Theory
OFDM simulation 13/04/2015 Surendra Yadav 2137 This file shows the BER analysis for BPSK modulated OFDM signal
Load STL Files 07/03/2011 Pascal Buehler 2243 Loading a STL-File
point_in_polygon 16/02/2011 david adams 2280 This algo finds if a point is inside a simple closed polygon
rotate3d() 19/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2284 Computes coordinates of rotated points or/and axis, angle, or matrix of a given 3D rotation
JSON Export 12/11/2015 Christian Klauer 2394 Export Scilab structures to JSON
Equalis eConnect 1.0.1 Beta 18/05/2011 Hanh Pham 2399 displays RSS feeds from Scilab user support group forums and this File Exchange
ellipsiod 17/02/2011 david adams 2424 given coordinates and dimensions, function returns points for ellipsoid
num2str 21/04/2016 Surendra Yadav 2427 it converts number to string like matlab.
thermaSnap 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2488 Driver for the ThermaSnap infrared thermographic camera (Inframetrics)
Shannon-Nyquist 11/05/2013 jean-claude maurin 2517 This script shows the Nyquist-Shannon theorem on sampling
OLP-15B optical power meter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2607 Driver for OLP-15B, OLP-16B & OLP-18B Acterna optical power meters
LDS1200 laser diode controler 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2674 Driver for the Micos LDS1200 laser diode controler (YAG setup)
MLBS(PRBS) generator function 27/05/2010 Bibo Yang 2749 A function that generates PseudoRandom Binary Sequence
ISG500 Function Generator & frequency-meter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2829 Driver for ISG500 (& ISG1200) Function Generator & frequency-meter
Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine under Scilab/Xcos 18/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 2857 Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine under Scilab/Xcos
Drawing Bezier Splines 25/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 2919 drawing cubic bezier splines in the 2D-plane
linfit 05/10/2012 javier carrero 2966 multivariate linear fit
pdiv_inc() 27/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2975 Polynomial division with increasing terms powers
Metrix OX8000 oscilloscopes series 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 3128 Serial driver for Metrix OX8040, OX8050, OX8100, OX8042, and OX8062 oscilloscopes
Scilab 5.3 Style for UltraEdit 04/02/2011 Allan CORNET 3135 Scilab 5.3 Style for UltraEdit
ADS_CoLiSyS 11/02/2012 J. Ernesto Velázquez L. 3141 GUI for the Analysis, Design, Simulation & Control of Linear Systems in Continuous and Discrete Time
Dithering Grayscale Images 25/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 3192 Ordered-Dithering of a GrayScale matrix with Bayer 1-3, Stucki 1-2, random
Adaptive Runge-Kutta 26/03/2016 Jakub Kopac 3213 Adaptive Runge-Kutta of 4th order with step error control
Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Brushless DC Machine under Scilab/Xcos 17/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 3220 Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Brushless DC Machine under Scilab/Xcos
git from scilab 18/01/2011 Allan CORNET 3221 use git from scilab
Scilab style for gedit 07/02/2011 Sylvestre LEDRU 3269 For syntax highlighting
Fan control / Temperature regulation - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 3291 Fan control / Temperature regulation - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration
Mandelbrot set generator 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 3424 Draws the Mandebrot set for a list of usual mathematical functions
Tone Recognition Tool - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 3448 niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration
Graphe_GUI 05/03/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 3453 Plot an x3 function with graphical interface (for teenager students)
M38XR multimeter 13/01/2020 Samuel Gougeon 3467 Driver + graphical monitor for the Meterman 38XR = Amprobe 38XR-A multimeters
FitPT1, FitPT2, FitPT3 09/09/2020 Josef schuetzenberger 3472 Fitting Transfer Functions to PT1, PT2 , PT3 and more systems
XSteam 24/05/2020 Oleksiy Bondarenko 3546 Water and steam properties according to IAPWS IF-97
Triangulation in R^3 21/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 3721 3 points and three distances to 2 unknown points are given !
2D 3D Polar Patterns 04/07/2016 Christian Leray 3754 Tool to draw 2D and 3D polar patterns
legends_mc 27/02/2013 Samuel Gougeon 3774 Displays legends of numerous curves in a MultiColumns bloc
BIOE (Basic Input Output Elements) 27/11/2010 Weichinger Klaus 3927 A low-cost do it yourself open-hardware automation system
partfrac() 29/12/2021 Samuel Gougeon 3965 Partial fraction decomposition of a rational in the C set
Contour3d 09/06/2010 A J Roberts 3989 Plots 3D contours, iso-surfaces, of function f on 3D lattice x,y,z
Zaber translation & rotation devices 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 4136 Serial driver for Zaber jack, translation, tilt and rotation stages
OpenRTDynamics Toolbox for Scilab 21/11/2012 Christian Klauer 4154 A framework for signal processing and real time control implementations
ellipfit, circfit 12/01/2018 Samuel Gougeon 4227 Fitting a circle or an ellipse on 2D given points
analog displays 17/12/2019 Philipp Muehlmann 4240 example code to create various types of analog displays
Crystal Structure Animation 23/03/2011 Tadayuki Nakajima 4281 3D plots of crystal structures by animation
dxf2sci 25/03/2011 lukas wischounig 4527 loads dxf(r) entities to scilab
circular shifts circshift cshift() 13/05/2020 Samuel Gougeon 4727 Circularly shifts elements of a vector, matrix, hypermatrix, cell or structure arrays
schmidtplot 03/04/2011 lukas wischounig 4736 the script draws great circles and points from tectonic data in a .xls file.
Scilab/Xcos Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines 29/02/2012 Ibrahim ERTURK 4794 Scilab/Xcos Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
McCabe-Thiele 08/12/2018 Jakub Kopac 4878 SciLab implementation of McCabe-Thiele
TelecomToolbox 08/02/2010 Albert TERRAS 5307 Similation of digital encoding (NRZ,Manchester) and ASK,PSK,FSK and QAM modulations
ESCORT-3136A = FI-3136A multimeter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 5599 Driver for the ESCORT-3136A (aka FI-3136A) (& ESCORT-3146A) multimeter
Character Recognition Example 07/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5689 This demo shows the recognition stage for the character recognition.
Image Compression using SVD 08/05/2011 Aditya Sengupta 5696 This is an example of Image Compression in Scilab using Singular Value Decomposition
Speech Analysis using LPC 13/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5785 A GUI for Speech Analysis using LPC
optimization using scilab 25/02/2012 manas das 5909 This document gives an overview of optimization using scilab
Spherical harmonics 03/03/2011 Tadayuki Nakajima 5948 Spherical harmonics that employ the Condon-Shortley phase
Export Scilab matrices to LaTeX 17/01/2014 adrien vogt-schilb 6447 Quick and dirty export matrices to Latex and tools for building hybrid (string/number) matrices
Modulation PSK_QAM 18/02/2013 jean-claude maurin 6549 This script illustrates the PSK and QAM modulation
Peaks detector 24/11/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 6563 Function peaks=peak_detect(signal [,threshold]) is a fast and simple peaks detection on a signal
Modulation ASK_FSK 11/05/2013 jean-claude maurin 6756 This script illustrates the ASK and FSK modulation
complete graph 14/02/2011 david adams 7384 Creates a complete graph with N vertices
Exemples de l'article elektor 110491 Scilab 30/08/2011 Vincent COUVERT 7418 Exemples de l'article elektor 110491 Scilab
Real-time Temperature Monitoring and Control 17/12/2016 A. Khorshidi 7421 Fully open-source, low-cost solution to real-time temperature monitoring and control
Filtrage Numerique 07/08/2015 jean-claude maurin 7702 GUI Digital Filter IIR FIR
Recursive Identification Methods Library 21/05/2018 Jakub Hasek 7806 C blocks for recursive system identification
Exemples de l'article Elektor n° 403, janvier 2012 11/01/2012 Clement DAVID 8525 Xcos : modeleur/simulateur de systèmes dynamiques hybrides - exemples
3D mesh export from Scilab to Blender 12/01/2013 Albert TERRAS 8694 This program converts a matrix or a surface into a 3D mesh (.raw file) compatible with Blender.
polyfit 05/10/2012 javier carrero 9151 polynomial fit of data sets
Computational Convex Analysis 04/05/2017 Yves Lucet 10787 Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing convex functions.
Thermodynamic properties 11/05/2015 Oleksiy Bondarenko 14325 Thermodynamic properties of species
Scilab SSE optimized 16/12/2010 16659 Scilab SSE optimized
Scilab Style for Notepad++ 17/01/2012 adrien vogt-schilb 17288 For syntax highlighting, functions autocompletion and input args memo
Curve Fitting for Ogden, Yeoh and Polynomial Models 16/02/2019 Michael Rackl 20369 Fits different order hyperelastic material models to tension/compression and simple shear data
Scilab on Usb key 16/12/2010 24414 Scilab on Usb key
Signal Processing Using Scilab 25/02/2012 manas das 26315 This document gives an overview of signal processing using scilab
Notepad++ syntax colors & completion for Scilab 6.0 30/08/2019 Samuel Gougeon 35795 Syntax colorization & completion of functions and arguments with Notepad++ for Scilab 6 and 30 ATOMS
CHM Help Files for Scilab 6.0 22/02/2013 Allan CORNET 623634 CHM Help Files for Scilab 6.0
MKL for Scilab 6.0 08/08/2015 Antoine ELIAS 8585611 MKL for Scilab 6.0