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Title Last update Authors Downloads Summary Rating
gnusciplot 05/04/2019 KD Liss 0 using gnuplot out of scilab
Set 05/07/2022 Adam Nowak 0 123
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
asd" 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd"
WaterSteamPro 09/04/2010 Konstantin Orlov 0 Calculate properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures
Scilab Isosurfaces 03/05/2018 Luiz Silva 0 Help to trace isosrufaces
openBLAS for Scilab 6.0 20/07/2011 Allan CORNET 0 openBLAS for Scilab 6.0
CelestlabX4mac 09/03/2019 Hani Ibrahim 0 CelestlabX binary for macOS
123asd 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd
Dataset for example 29/05/2023 Christian Leray 0 Some dataset provided to try the script
Musical_demos6 22/06/2017 Paul BIGNIER 0 Four demonstrations showing a glimpse of Scilab's potential with music
asd 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd
Xsteam 01/05/2018 Kiener Pierre 0 Water and steam properties according to IAPWS IF-97
Test' 05/07/2022 Adam Nowak 0 Test'
isint 17/01/2020 Hani Ibrahim 0 Determine if committed number is a floating point integer.
isint - Checking for integers 17/01/2020 Hani Ibrahim 0 Determine if committed number is a floating point integers
Basic question about solving Matrix eigen values and vector 19/12/2015 Peter Valencic 0 ..
MATRIX ALGEBRA 15/01/2019 PREETIKA DHAWAN 0 This is an example of general matrix codes
Induction Machine Per Unit d-q Model ScicosLab and Scilab/Xco​s 14/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 0 Induction machine per-unit dq model
Decimal to fraction 19/03/2011 david adams 0 Changes a decimal number to a fraction
CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import 12/02/2010 Jasper van Baten 0 Import CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamic property and equilibrium calculations
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
analoge tachometer display 25/07/2014 Philipp Muehlmann 0 example code to create an analoge tachometer display
Mech_Oscillations_Beating.sce 07/09/2020 Sahib Huseynov 0 Numerical solving of ODE system in Scilab
Mech_Oscillations_Beating.sce 07/09/2020 Sahib Huseynov 0 Numerical solving of ODE system in Scilab
Pulley et Freewheel components in Coselica 16/01/2020 Frederic Escoffier 0 Xcos/Coselica
Mohrscher Spannungskreis 27/02/2018 Pascal Buehler 0 Mohrscher Spannungskreis
Signal Processing GUI Tools 23/08/2019 Chin Luh Tan 0 GUI Tools for Signal Processing
Attempt to reading an IGEE File 04/05/2017 Pascal Buehler 0 Attempt to reading an IGEE File
OpenFOAM post-processing 07/07/2019 Yann DEBRAY 0 Simple script to post-process data generated by open-source software OpenFOAM for Fluid Dynamics
function labxdtv x-axis labels for time series plots 20/07/2018 David Chèze 0 labxdtv updates the labels of the x-axis for time series plots
mroots and frac_decomp programs 19/02/2024 Lucien Povy 16 multiples roots of polynomial and fraction decomposition of rational.
Signal Processing GUI Tools 23/08/2019 Chin Luh Tan 97 GUI Tools for Signal Processing
Compute Galois Fields GF(p^n) 12/10/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 176 Compute multiplication and addition Tables, and find characteristic polynomials
libsvm 19/02/2014 roshini Lakshmanan 234 support vector data description
SIGNAL ANALYSIS WITH FOURIER AND WAVELETS USING SCILAB 12/02/2020 Hector Lepez 261 Autor: Lépez/Gordillo - Programs developed to analyze signals, Fourier and Wavelets
Fractal curves and snowflakes 31/07/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 274 Draws by iteration fractal curves
Circle Visualization - 3 Point Method 09/04/2021 Pavitharan Velamoorthy 285 Determine Circle center and Diameter using any 3 Points from circles circumference
Musical demos 22/06/2017 Paul BIGNIER 324 Four demonstrations showing a glimpse of Scilab's potential with music
Katamino 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 334 Solves incomplete 5 x 11 katamino / pentominos grids
GnuSciPlot - gnuplot from scilab 23/07/2016 KD Liss 395 graphic routines which use gnuplot for graphics output
Automatic Lesion Segmentation 23/10/2014 davide poggiali 398 MS lesion segmentation by multithresholding
SecuRing Test 05/07/2022 John Smith 435 Test
check_video_card 14/01/2010 455 check video card drivers compatibility on Windows
Temperatursensoren 29/07/2020 Pascal Buehler 477 File with a summary of all Temperture sensor used in Building automation
OLS linear regression 30/08/2019 Mario Maggi 565 Ordinary least square linear regression estimation
Nonogram / Picross 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 565 Solves nonogram / picross puzzles
Modeling samples with xCos 08/09/2015 Sahib Huseynov 574 Tutorials samples in xCos modeling for beginers
update fftw library for Win32 06/04/2011 Allan CORNET 595 update fftw library for Windows x86 Scilab 5.3.(0 and 1)
Spiral Graph GUI 22/03/2011 david adams 629 Based on the toy Spirograph
Scilab 5.5.0 demo 09/04/2014 Bruno JOFRET 636 Scilab 5.5.0 demo
A Scilab Based Simulation Software for Genetic Problem 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 780 This demo shows the simulation of the interaction in genetic problem using Scilab
Plotly web graph generator 14/04/2020 Yann DEBRAY 823 Simple function to generate an HTML/JS file representing a graph with the Plotly library
Recursive version of getd 14/10/2016 Pierre Vuillemin 828 Loads Scilab functions in a given folder and its sub-folders
STL Files 11/08/2018 Jerome Briot 840 Read and write STL files (ascii and binary formats)
Výpočtové bloky 26/05/2016 Matej Balint 845 Výpočtové bloky v elektrotechnike
W3 Scilab 11/03/2010 Dr.C.N.Krishnan, R.Sathish Kumar 917 Web Interface to Scilab
Newton basins of attraction 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 971 Draws the basins of attraction of known solutions for the Newton iteration
SuDoKu 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 1025 Solves sudoku grids
FreeASM1 16/03/2012 Julien Laurent 1028 Simulation of wastewater treatment by activated sludge process using ASM1 model equations
Steamtable 08/11/2016 Pascal Buehler 1043 Data of the Steamtable
2x2 contingency 26/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1071 Analyses the relations within 2x2 contingency table
Real-Time Serial Read 19/09/2018 Alisson Luan Daga 1083 Read the Arduino Serial Port
xyz2asc 20/10/2015 Saul Arciniega 1093 Write a .asc or .txt file with a regular grid form X Y Z matrixes
First Attempt for an Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram 22/07/2016 Pascal Buehler 1093 First Attempt for an Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram
Linear estimate of future process 29/02/2016 Lukas Malec 1100 OLS based point and interval forecasts of the one-dimensional time series
Scilab menu item enabling/disabling 12/12/2017 Simon MARCHETTO 1115 Macro to enable/disable a menu item in the main Scilab console
Graphic for building a Smith- Diagramm 06/04/2016 Pascal Buehler 1115 Graphic for building a Smith- Diagramm
Quantile 01/09/2019 Mario Maggi 1118 computes the quantiles of a sample
GUI Demo for Scilab Audio Module 06/11/2019 Joshua Teoh 1120 Demo using the Scilab Audio Module for real time FFT plot
Load a DXF-File 06/04/2016 Pascal Buehler 1121 Loading a DXF-File with Scilab
Electrical block PV-array and DC motor. 07/05/2022 Zurab Dzhendubaev 1143 Electrical block PV-array (6.4 kW) and DC motor (2.5 kW).
OXO (Tic-Tac-Toe) 10/03/2018 Jérôme LABATUT 1143 A Scilab clone for the OXO game
Fisher discriminant analysis with regularization 15/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1148 Basic method of multivariate analysis searching for the differences between groups
strrand() 06/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1171 Generates random characters, words or texts from chosen charsets
SIP - Scilab Image Processing Toolbox 17/10/2011 Ricardo Fabbri 1175 read/write images in many formas; computer vision and image processing algorithms
manrev2sci.xsl 23/06/2014 Clement DAVID 1196 Convert Scilab 4.x help to the 5.x docbook-based format
Intercorrelations analysis 29/02/2016 Lukas Malec 1255 One of the pls methods studying relations between two groups
Double Wedge Airfoil in Supersonic Flow 23/11/2015 Vijay Gopal 1269 This code provides coefficient of section lift, drag and moment of double wedge aerofoil.
Reversi 05/03/2017 Jérôme LABATUT 1275 A Scilab clone for the Reversi game
Contingency table 26/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1275 General contingency (two-way) table and corresponding relations
M X N array to One dimensional Time series conversion 23/04/2015 paawan sharma 1275 This function converts m X n matrix to a one dimensional time series
Basketball Trajectory Simulation 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 1278 A simple basketball trajectory simulation using mathematics model and numerical methods
Digitize 28/04/2017 Simon MARCHETTO 1297 Digitize data from a 2D plot image
varspace() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1303 Memory allocated to specified variables, to containers components, or to results of expressions
Design of the rocket nozzle optimum shape 10/03/2018 Sahib Huseynov 1309 Using of numerical method of characteristics for computation of optimum rocket nozzle shape
isDocked(figure) 13/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1315 Tests whether a figure is docked to Scilab's desktop
polyroots() 20/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1333 Multiplicities and values of polynomial multiple roots
Scilab style for UltraEdit 04/01/2011 Allan CORNET 1338 Scilab style for UltraEdit
DiagonalMatrix 13/03/2014 Marcos Pinto 1342 Returns the diagonal matrix from a square matrix.
One dimensional Time Series to M X N matrix conversion 23/04/2015 paawan sharma 1344 This function converts a one dimensional time series to an array of M X N matrix given by user
strsubst() extended 01/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1359 extensions provided: All occurrences replaced; multiple Pattern/Replace pairs; groups replacement
Colors Cube GUI 24/08/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 1364 Browse thousands of colors with an original GUI
cummin(), cummax() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1372 Cumulative minima and maxima of array's values
asc2xyz 20/10/2015 Saul Arciniega 1382 Convert a regular grid in .asc or .txt format to X Y Z matrixes
Function to Calculate Row and Column Number provided pixel Number 10/04/2015 paawan sharma 1401 Pixel Number to Row, Column detail
wrscilib 16/03/2010 Werner Roethlisberger 1413 Library for time, date, calendar, sun and moon pha, angle conversions, vba emulation, scale and more
strrepeat() 27/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1425 Concatenates a string with itself N times or up to N characters
str2num 21/04/2016 Surendra Yadav 1425 It converts string to number
NIST ITS-90 Thermocouples 10/09/2012 Pascal Buehler 1440 This File has all Thermocouples from the NIST Website
Calculator to calculate properties of dry air 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1442 calculation of Properties of dry air from 223 kelvin to 373 kelvin
Photo-Voltaic (PV) module 08/08/2021 Zurab Dzhendubaev 1485 Modeling a photovoltaic (solar) battery unitin the Xcos extension of the Scilab application package.
Thermoelement Type T 02/08/2012 Pascal Buehler 1497 This file has all Datas for thermocupples type T
BVPsolver 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1507 Solves second order BVPs and IVPs using the tau method.
OpenFOAM post-processing 07/07/2019 Yann DEBRAY 1516 Simple script to post-process data generated by open-source software OpenFOAM for Fluid Dynamics
Plot in File 20/12/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 1517 Plot 2D directly in a bitmap file with Megapixel resolution
Fast Chebyshev Transform 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1532 The Fast Chebyshev Transform (FCT) at the points chebyshev extrema grid
Examples from Urroz book "Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB" 17/02/2011 david adams 1592 Code examples from book
orderfields() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1613 reorders the primary fields of a structure or an array of structures
Heat Transfer from pin fin by Forced Convection 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1613 Heat transfer from pin fin by forced convection
browseURL() 13/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1625 opens URLs in the default or preferred internet browser (OS-independent)
Tone Recognition - Labview-Scilab Gateway 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 1629 Tone Recognition - Labview-Scilab Gateway
Puffin 3D 23/02/2011 Allan CORNET 1632 Puffin 3D
solution of Raman-Nath equations 15/06/2011 robert coisson 1634 solves (generalised) Raman-Nath equations, as in diffraction from a thick phase grating
The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform (IFCT) 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1657 The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform at the Extrema Grid
Matrix and vector generator for Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1669 Generators of Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind and its 1st &2nd derivative matrices
linear.sci 09/02/2011 robert coisson 1692 a function for a partial inversion of a matrix
add blanks to a string 24/02/2011 david adams 1729 Adds a specified number of blanks to front, back or both of a string
Lorenz curve and corresponding data 14/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1739 Graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function
Gini coefficient 14/01/2016 Lukas Malec 1741 Computes the Gini coefficient as a basic measure of the inequality
Periodic Elements 16/10/2012 Pascal Buehler 1764 This file has a mlist of the Atomic properties of the Elements
mesharea() 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1766 Computes the area of any 3D surface mapped with a lattice of 4-vertices cells
EX355P driver 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 1837 Scilab serial driver for the TTI EX355P power supply
Physical Calculus 04/02/2010 D. MARION 1872 Calculate with physical units.
isprime 17/04/2012 JFER GIRJ 1923 calculates if a number is prime
Logistics Function 17/02/2011 david adams 1944 Demonstrates bifurcation in Logistics function
VCD file checker and reader 25/10/2012 Paawan Sharma 1975 This module checks a *.vcd file for number of signals , its properties
Q function 06/04/2011 G V V Sharma 1989 The Q function, related to the complementary error function is used extensively in Comm Theory
Evaluate polynomial 20/03/2011 david adams 2007 Evaluates a polynomial (either a poly or a vector) at a number
factors 14/01/2013 JFER GIRJ 2014 Decomposes a number into prime factors. Output different from native sc "factor" function
integratePoly 23/03/2012 Samuel Gougeon 2021 Formal integration of a (hyper)matrix of polynomials
AG_fluid_dynamics 16/02/2011 david adams 2025 Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics - RK3 alogorithm
RTD PT100 Platinum 12/10/2012 Pascal Buehler 2029 This file has all datas for RTD PT100 Platinum
BVPsolver (Improved) 21/02/2012 Brenton Horne 2046 A correction to BVP solver. Solves all second order linear BVPs and IVPs on finite domains.
Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets 01/12/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 2049 Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets, Galois Theory
polygonmetrics(), polyarea 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2065 Computes the length, area, CoM, and unit vector of a plane or 3D simple polygon
OFDM simulation 13/04/2015 Surendra Yadav 2100 This file shows the BER analysis for BPSK modulated OFDM signal
rotate3d() 19/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2229 Computes coordinates of rotated points or/and axis, angle, or matrix of a given 3D rotation
point_in_polygon 16/02/2011 david adams 2240 This algo finds if a point is inside a simple closed polygon
Load STL Files 07/03/2011 Pascal Buehler 2243 Loading a STL-File
JSON Export 12/11/2015 Christian Klauer 2333 Export Scilab structures to JSON
num2str 21/04/2016 Surendra Yadav 2376 it converts number to string like matlab.
ellipsiod 17/02/2011 david adams 2390 given coordinates and dimensions, function returns points for ellipsoid
Equalis eConnect 1.0.1 Beta 18/05/2011 Hanh Pham 2397 displays RSS feeds from Scilab user support group forums and this File Exchange
thermaSnap 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2444 Driver for the ThermaSnap infrared thermographic camera (Inframetrics)
Shannon-Nyquist 11/05/2013 jean-claude maurin 2506 This script shows the Nyquist-Shannon theorem on sampling
OLP-15B optical power meter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2557 Driver for OLP-15B, OLP-16B & OLP-18B Acterna optical power meters
LDS1200 laser diode controler 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2630 Driver for the Micos LDS1200 laser diode controler (YAG setup)
MLBS(PRBS) generator function 27/05/2010 Bibo Yang 2702 A function that generates PseudoRandom Binary Sequence
ISG500 Function Generator & frequency-meter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2781 Driver for ISG500 (& ISG1200) Function Generator & frequency-meter
Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine under Scilab/Xcos 18/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 2815 Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine under Scilab/Xcos
Drawing Bezier Splines 25/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 2870 drawing cubic bezier splines in the 2D-plane
linfit 05/10/2012 javier carrero 2888 multivariate linear fit
pdiv_inc() 27/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2897 Polynomial division with increasing terms powers
Scilab 5.3 Style for UltraEdit 04/02/2011 Allan CORNET 3073 Scilab 5.3 Style for UltraEdit
Metrix OX8000 oscilloscopes series 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 3080 Serial driver for Metrix OX8040, OX8050, OX8100, OX8042, and OX8062 oscilloscopes
ADS_CoLiSyS 11/02/2012 J. Ernesto Velázquez L. 3116 GUI for the Analysis, Design, Simulation & Control of Linear Systems in Continuous and Discrete Time
Adaptive Runge-Kutta 26/03/2016 Jakub Kopac 3146 Adaptive Runge-Kutta of 4th order with step error control
Dithering Grayscale Images 25/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 3148 Ordered-Dithering of a GrayScale matrix with Bayer 1-3, Stucki 1-2, random
git from scilab 18/01/2011 Allan CORNET 3153 use git from scilab
Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Brushless DC Machine under Scilab/Xcos 17/05/2011 Ibrahim ERTURK 3196 Modelling, Simulation and Controlling of Brushless DC Machine under Scilab/Xcos
FitPT1, FitPT2, FitPT3 09/09/2020 Josef schuetzenberger 3221 Fitting Transfer Functions to PT1, PT2 , PT3 and more systems
Scilab style for gedit 07/02/2011 Sylvestre LEDRU 3228 For syntax highlighting
Fan control / Temperature regulation - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 3249 Fan control / Temperature regulation - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration
Mandelbrot set generator 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 3305 Draws the Mandebrot set for a list of usual mathematical functions
M38XR multimeter 13/01/2020 Samuel Gougeon 3378 Driver + graphical monitor for the Meterman 38XR = Amprobe 38XR-A multimeters
Tone Recognition Tool - niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration 13/02/2013 Bruno JOFRET 3392 niDAQ Toolbox Demonstration
Graphe_GUI 05/03/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 3418 Plot an x3 function with graphical interface (for teenager students)
XSteam 24/05/2020 Oleksiy Bondarenko 3430 Water and steam properties according to IAPWS IF-97
Triangulation in R^3 21/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 3610 3 points and three distances to 2 unknown points are given !
2D 3D Polar Patterns 04/07/2016 Christian Leray 3657 Tool to draw 2D and 3D polar patterns
legends_mc 27/02/2013 Samuel Gougeon 3686 Displays legends of numerous curves in a MultiColumns bloc
partfrac() 29/12/2021 Samuel Gougeon 3781 Partial fraction decomposition of a rational in the C set
BIOE (Basic Input Output Elements) 27/11/2010 Weichinger Klaus 3924 A low-cost do it yourself open-hardware automation system
Contour3d 09/06/2010 A J Roberts 3937 Plots 3D contours, iso-surfaces, of function f on 3D lattice x,y,z
OpenRTDynamics Toolbox for Scilab 21/11/2012 Christian Klauer 4034 A framework for signal processing and real time control implementations
Zaber translation & rotation devices 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 4041 Serial driver for Zaber jack, translation, tilt and rotation stages
ellipfit, circfit 12/01/2018 Samuel Gougeon 4145 Fitting a circle or an ellipse on 2D given points
analog displays 17/12/2019 Philipp Muehlmann 4155 example code to create various types of analog displays
Crystal Structure Animation 23/03/2011 Tadayuki Nakajima 4205 3D plots of crystal structures by animation
dxf2sci 25/03/2011 lukas wischounig 4456 loads dxf(r) entities to scilab
circular shifts circshift cshift() 13/05/2020 Samuel Gougeon 4626 Circularly shifts elements of a vector, matrix, hypermatrix, cell or structure arrays
schmidtplot 03/04/2011 lukas wischounig 4647 the script draws great circles and points from tectonic data in a .xls file.
McCabe-Thiele 08/12/2018 Jakub Kopac 4742 SciLab implementation of McCabe-Thiele
Scilab/Xcos Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines 29/02/2012 Ibrahim ERTURK 4758 Scilab/Xcos Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
TelecomToolbox 08/02/2010 Albert TERRAS 5234 Similation of digital encoding (NRZ,Manchester) and ASK,PSK,FSK and QAM modulations
ESCORT-3136A = FI-3136A multimeter 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 5529 Driver for the ESCORT-3136A (aka FI-3136A) (& ESCORT-3146A) multimeter
Image Compression using SVD 08/05/2011 Aditya Sengupta 5640 This is an example of Image Compression in Scilab using Singular Value Decomposition
Character Recognition Example 07/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5657 This demo shows the recognition stage for the character recognition.
Speech Analysis using LPC 13/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5757 A GUI for Speech Analysis using LPC
Spherical harmonics 03/03/2011 Tadayuki Nakajima 5877 Spherical harmonics that employ the Condon-Shortley phase
optimization using scilab 25/02/2012 manas das 5909 This document gives an overview of optimization using scilab
Export Scilab matrices to LaTeX 17/01/2014 adrien vogt-schilb 6323 Quick and dirty export matrices to Latex and tools for building hybrid (string/number) matrices
Modulation PSK_QAM 18/02/2013 jean-claude maurin 6519 This script illustrates the PSK and QAM modulation
Peaks detector 24/11/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 6533 Function peaks=peak_detect(signal [,threshold]) is a fast and simple peaks detection on a signal
Modulation ASK_FSK 11/05/2013 jean-claude maurin 6715 This script illustrates the ASK and FSK modulation
Exemples de l'article elektor 110491 Scilab 30/08/2011 Vincent COUVERT 7229 Exemples de l'article elektor 110491 Scilab
complete graph 14/02/2011 david adams 7316 Creates a complete graph with N vertices
Real-time Temperature Monitoring and Control 17/12/2016 A. Khorshidi 7381 Fully open-source, low-cost solution to real-time temperature monitoring and control
Recursive Identification Methods Library 21/05/2018 Jakub Hasek 7412 C blocks for recursive system identification
Filtrage Numerique 07/08/2015 jean-claude maurin 7674 GUI Digital Filter IIR FIR
Exemples de l'article Elektor n° 403, janvier 2012 11/01/2012 Clement DAVID 8396 Xcos : modeleur/simulateur de systèmes dynamiques hybrides - exemples
3D mesh export from Scilab to Blender 12/01/2013 Albert TERRAS 8559 This program converts a matrix or a surface into a 3D mesh (.raw file) compatible with Blender.
polyfit 05/10/2012 javier carrero 8957 polynomial fit of data sets
Computational Convex Analysis 04/05/2017 Yves Lucet 10727 Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing convex functions.
Thermodynamic properties 11/05/2015 Oleksiy Bondarenko 14119 Thermodynamic properties of species
Scilab SSE optimized 16/12/2010 16587 Scilab SSE optimized
Scilab Style for Notepad++ 17/01/2012 adrien vogt-schilb 17122 For syntax highlighting, functions autocompletion and input args memo
Curve Fitting for Ogden, Yeoh and Polynomial Models 16/02/2019 Michael Rackl 20343 Fits different order hyperelastic material models to tension/compression and simple shear data
Scilab on Usb key 16/12/2010 24398 Scilab on Usb key
Signal Processing Using Scilab 25/02/2012 manas das 26147 This document gives an overview of signal processing using scilab
Notepad++ syntax colors & completion for Scilab 6.0 30/08/2019 Samuel Gougeon 35215 Syntax colorization & completion of functions and arguments with Notepad++ for Scilab 6 and 30 ATOMS
CHM Help Files for Scilab 6.0 22/02/2013 Allan CORNET 623440 CHM Help Files for Scilab 6.0
MKL for Scilab 6.0 08/08/2015 Antoine ELIAS 8579911 MKL for Scilab 6.0