The classic feature-rich image processing toolbox for Scilab.
Source file tested on Linux. Should work in Mac OS X and other UNIX systems. We do not support Windows, but some functionality might work there.
Upload date : 2011-10-17 04:21:31 MD5 : ba2cf766ba179f904f765c1affed4fd3 SHA1 : 4d07927b5254c72bc4b900262c65afa792d4947e Downloads : 1216 File list
Hello Ricardo, Other releases of this famous package are also distributed on ATOMS: However, none of the ATOMS and this FileExchange one is tagged as the reference one, and pages of others do not redirect to the reference one. A pity. This does not help. By the way, if the FileExchange release is outdated wrt ATOMS, the FE entry can't be deleted, but its file can. Thanks Samuel
Without internet how I can install SIVP