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Title Last update Authors Downloads Summary Rating
mroots and frac_decomp programs 19/02/2024 Lucien Povy 29 multiples roots of polynomial and fraction decomposition of rational.
partfrac() 29/12/2021 Samuel Gougeon 4400 Partial fraction decomposition of a rational in the C set
FitPT1, FitPT2, FitPT3 09/09/2020 Josef schuetzenberger 4100 Fitting Transfer Functions to PT1, PT2 , PT3 and more systems
A Scilab Based Simulation Software for Genetic Problem 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 818 This demo shows the simulation of the interaction in genetic problem using Scilab
ellipfit, circfit 12/01/2018 Samuel Gougeon 4397 Fitting a circle or an ellipse on 2D given points
Newton basins of attraction 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 985 Draws the basins of attraction of known solutions for the Newton iteration
Mandelbrot set generator 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 3698 Draws the Mandebrot set for a list of usual mathematical functions
Adaptive Runge-Kutta 26/03/2016 Jakub Kopac 3350 Adaptive Runge-Kutta of 4th order with step error control
Basic question about solving Matrix eigen values and vector 19/12/2015 Peter Valencic 0 ..
rotate3d() 19/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2427 Computes coordinates of rotated points or/and axis, angle, or matrix of a given 3D rotation
pdiv_inc() 27/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 3229 Polynomial division with increasing terms powers
polyroots() 20/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1459 Multiplicities and values of polynomial multiple roots
polygonmetrics(), polyarea 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 2292 Computes the length, area, CoM, and unit vector of a plane or 3D simple polygon
mesharea() 19/08/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1963 Computes the area of any 3D surface mapped with a lattice of 4-vertices cells
cummin(), cummax() 26/07/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1507 Cumulative minima and maxima of array's values
Calculator to calculate properties of dry air 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1575 calculation of Properties of dry air from 223 kelvin to 373 kelvin
Heat Transfer from pin fin by Forced Convection 31/12/2013 vijay marcel 1719 Heat transfer from pin fin by forced convection
factors 14/01/2013 JFER GIRJ 2111 Decomposes a number into prime factors. Output different from native sc "factor" function
isprime 17/04/2012 JFER GIRJ 2037 calculates if a number is prime
integratePoly 23/03/2012 Samuel Gougeon 2177 Formal integration of a (hyper)matrix of polynomials
BVPsolver (Improved) 21/02/2012 Brenton Horne 2149 A correction to BVP solver. Solves all second order linear BVPs and IVPs on finite domains.
BVPsolver 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1619 Solves second order BVPs and IVPs using the tau method.
Matrix and vector generator for Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1792 Generators of Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind and its 1st &2nd derivative matrices
The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform (IFCT) 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1781 The Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform at the Extrema Grid
Fast Chebyshev Transform 20/02/2012 Brenton Horne 1647 The Fast Chebyshev Transform (FCT) at the points chebyshev extrema grid
solution of Raman-Nath equations 15/06/2011 robert coisson 1746 solves (generalised) Raman-Nath equations, as in diffraction from a thick phase grating
Evaluate polynomial 20/03/2011 david adams 2108 Evaluates a polynomial (either a poly or a vector) at a number
Decimal to fraction 19/03/2011 david adams 0 Changes a decimal number to a fraction
AG_fluid_dynamics 16/02/2011 david adams 2129 Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics - RK3 alogorithm
point_in_polygon 16/02/2011 david adams 2376 This algo finds if a point is inside a simple closed polygon
complete graph 14/02/2011 david adams 7518 Creates a complete graph with N vertices