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Notepad++ syntax colors & completion for Scilab 6.0

Syntax colorization & completion of functions and arguments with Notepad++ for Scilab 6 and 30 ATOMS
(5236 downloads for this version - 37368 downloads for all versions)
Samuel Gougeon
Samuel Gougeon
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
August 30, 2019
Built with & Updated for Scilab 6.0.2+
Works for any Scilab release.
.sce .sci .tst .start files are considered as Scilab ones.

Syntax colorization and completion for ~4800 functions and their parameters.
In addition to Scilab 6.0.2+, functions of most of ATOMS external modules ported
to Scilab 6 are supported:
 * Advanced Neural Network (ANN)
 * animaGIF
 * Bioinformatics
 * CelestLab
 * CGAL (Computational Geometry)
 * dispmat (Display Matrices)
 * distfun (Distributions functions)
 * floatingpoint
 * gui2bitmap
 * Image Processing Computer Vision (IPCV)
 * iodelay
 * linalg (linear algebra)
 * lolimot (fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree)
 * Lycee (educational, pour les élèves français)
 * Mathieu functions
 * Matrix Market
 * Multiple Precision Arithmetic
 * neuralnetwork
 * number (integers algorithms)
 * Orthogonal Polynomials
 * plotplots
 * PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)
 * Scidoe (Design Of Experiment)
 * scipython (Python from Scilab)
 * serial (RS-232 communications)
 * socket (IP communications)
 * specfun (Additional Special Functions)
 * Stixbox (statistics)
 * Time Frequency toolbox (stftb)
 * Wavelet Toolbox (swt)

 * Colorization and completions occur for these ATOMS modules even if the 
   modules are not installed in Scilab. This will help you preventing
   any potential conflicts with your own variables and functions.

The free high level Notepad++ external editor can propose an advanced feature
(unavailable in the embedded Scilab editor): All calling sequences of a function
-- also called synopses -- can be displayed when typing the opening
"(". This feature is enabled by the scilab.xml file provided
here-below. It greatly helps in reminding on-the-fly the expected lists of

scilab.xml also enables completion of function names through the full list of
functions for Scilab and some ATOMS modules.

Other Notepad++ features such as syntax colorization, folding / unfolding of
block of statements, parentheses or brackets or braces matching, etc.. are
defined and proposed for Scilab through the UserDefineLang.xml file.
The two main subsets of reserved Scilab keywords (built-in functions, and
macros) are extensively given for syntax highlightment, including undocumented
utility functions.

REMARKS about syntax parsing rules
* The single quote _'_ cannot be declared as an alternative string delimiter.
Otherwise, Notepad++ would parse the ' transposition operator as the opening of
a string, making a big part of the following code wrongly parsed.

HOW TO SET Notepad++ to autocomplete Scilab functions and parameters:
In Notepad++ : 
In the menu Settings => Preferences => Tab: Auto-completion:
In the Auto-completion frame: check "enable auto-completion on each
input" and "Function and word completion".

Management of files provided through this module is described below.
Files (2)
[921.89 kB]
Miscellaneous file
scilab.xml enables the completion of Scilab functions and the display of ~5950
syntaxes (when typing the opening parenthesis).

scilab.xml must be stored in the ~\autoCompletion\scilab.xml Notepad++
installation directory (most often in C:\Program
scilab.xml is built with the synopses extracted from the Scilab official help

The extensive set of native Scilab syntaxes is proposed. In addition, 
syntaxes for included ATOMS modules are also provided (list in the Description

For each completed function, all allowed calling sequences are displayed.
[65.68 kB]
Miscellaneous file
UserDefineLang.xml : Syntax colorization for Scilab in Notepad++ (~4800

File defining extended sets of all reserved Scilab keywords (for Scilab 6.0.2+),
rules and styles for Scilab syntax highlighting.
UserDefineLang.xml must be stored in the user profile (%appdata%\Notepad++\ ,
often =

Your own UserDefineLang.xml file may contain rules for customized languages
other than Scilab. This is why it is preferable to properly import this release
for Scilab with the Import command (Menu Language => Define your language:
Import button), or to edit it and copy/paste the <=""
userlang=""> block for Scilab in it.
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Comments (3)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Stefan Strasser -- October 8, 2019, 12:16:54 PM    
Nice add-on. Works pretty fine.
But there is a small bug: when the /* blabla */ is used to comment a whole block, the
inside is not green highlighted as with //.
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- October 8, 2019, 02:36:18 PM    
Thanks Stefan. You are right. I have forgotten to add this feature.

You can add it for your own setup, through the menu
Language => Define your language
Choose: Language = Scilab
Tab "Comment & number"
On the right: Comment over several lines
Opening: = /*
Closing: */
+ Set the style
and that's OK

Comment from Stefan Strasser -- October 9, 2019, 06:54:07 AM    
Got it. Thanks Samuel.
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