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analog displays

example code to create various types of analog displays
(390 downloads for this version - 4480 downloads for all versions)
Philipp Muehlmann
Philipp Muehlmann
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
December 17, 2019
            Analog displays as GUI's seem to be rare in Scilab, so here some display

Version 4.0:

available display functions

- tachometer
- variometer
- thermometer

Version 4.1:
- windrose added

Version 5.0:
- functions have much less input parameters
  Parameters can still be changed within the functions...see comments
- functions can be tested using test functions
- readme files added
- bug of variometer definig thermometer() should be fixed

Version 5.1:
- functions are less twinkling
- add function
  - variometer2()
  - scrollplot()
  - pxscrollplot()
  - pyscrollplot()

Version 5.2
- update: thermometer
- add: clock 

Philipp Muehlmann            
Files (1)
[22.57 kB]
Miscellaneous file
update: thermometer
 - display can be saved as an png-image

add: clock
- display can be saved as an png-image
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