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Title Last update Authors Downloads Summary Rating
Circle Visualization - 3 Point Method 09/04/2021 Pavitharan Velamoorthy 379 Determine Circle center and Diameter using any 3 Points from circles circumference
Pulley et Freewheel components in Coselica 16/01/2020 Frederic Escoffier 0 Xcos/Coselica
Basketball Trajectory Simulation 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 1784 A simple basketball trajectory simulation using mathematics model and numerical methods
A Scilab Based Simulation Software for Genetic Problem 27/06/2019 Chin Luh Tan 818 This demo shows the simulation of the interaction in genetic problem using Scilab
Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets 01/12/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 2303 Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets, Galois Theory
LDS1200 laser diode controler 29/10/2016 Samuel Gougeon 2775 Driver for the Micos LDS1200 laser diode controler (YAG setup)
Compute Galois Fields GF(p^n) 12/10/2016 Jean-pierre Ortolland 195 Compute multiplication and addition Tables, and find characteristic polynomials
OFDM simulation 13/04/2015 Surendra Yadav 2262 This file shows the BER analysis for BPSK modulated OFDM signal
ADS_CoLiSyS 11/02/2012 J. Ernesto Velázquez L. 3212 GUI for the Analysis, Design, Simulation & Control of Linear Systems in Continuous and Discrete Time
SIP - Scilab Image Processing Toolbox 17/10/2011 Ricardo Fabbri 1217 read/write images in many formas; computer vision and image processing algorithms
schmidtplot 03/04/2011 lukas wischounig 5001 the script draws great circles and points from tectonic data in a .xls file.
Character Recognition Example 07/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5779 This demo shows the recognition stage for the character recognition.
Graphe_GUI 05/03/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 3554 Plot an x3 function with graphical interface (for teenager students)
Examples from Urroz book "Numerical and Statistical Methods with SCILAB" 17/02/2011 david adams 1618 Code examples from book
Logistics Function 17/02/2011 david adams 2044 Demonstrates bifurcation in Logistics function
wrscilib 16/03/2010 Werner Roethlisberger 1448 Library for time, date, calendar, sun and moon pha, angle conversions, vba emulation, scale and more
W3 Scilab 11/03/2010 Dr.C.N.Krishnan, R.Sathish Kumar 948 Web Interface to Scilab
TelecomToolbox 08/02/2010 Albert TERRAS 5483 Similation of digital encoding (NRZ,Manchester) and ASK,PSK,FSK and QAM modulations