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Modeling samples with xCos

Tutorials samples in xCos modeling for beginers
(605 downloads for this version - 605 downloads for all versions)
Sahib Huseynov
Sahib Huseynov
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
September 8, 2015
            Here are presented several simple problems on mathematical modeling in ecology.
I think that it can be useful for beginners in Xcos. 
1)Simple ecological model: dx/dt=kx.
2) Verhilst ecological model: dx/dt=ax-bx^2
3) The Volterra-Lotka ecological model: dx/dt=ax+bx^2+cxy, dy/dt=ky+mxy.
Where, x and y population number, t - time; a, b and k constant coefficients of
an ecosystems.            
Files (1)
[16.63 kB]
macosx binary for Scilab .x
	Here are presented several simple problems on mathematical modeling in ecology.
I think that it can be useful for beginners in Xcos. 
1)Simple ecological model: dx/dt=kx.
2) Verhilst ecological model: dx/dt=ax-bx^2
3) The Volterra-Lotka ecological model: dx/dt=ax+bx^2+cxy, dy/dt=ky+mxy.
Where, x and y population number, t - time; a, b and k constant coefficients of
an ecosystems.  
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