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Memory allocated to specified variables, to containers components, or to results of expressions
(1414 downloads for this version - 1414 downloads for all versions)
Samuel Gougeon
Samuel Gougeon
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
July 13, 2015
            varspace() returns the number of bytes allocated to each variable specified by
its name or directly provided. When an heterogenous container like a list, a
cells array or a structure is provided, the vector or matrix of numbers of bytes
allocated to their components is returned.

varspace() will be useful to optimize algorithms using a lot of intermediate
memory, or simply to get aware about memory consumption w.r.t. to data types and

Help page, examples and results follow.

--> varspace

 Memory space taken by specified variables, litterals, or containers components

 varspace              // displays this help
 varspace var1 var2 ...
 vm = varspace("var1", "var2", ...)
 Vm = varspace(VarNames)
 Vm = varspace(obj#1)
 VM = varspace(obj#1, obj#2, ...)

 var1, var2,.. :
        Words = names of variables that's memory space must be
        returned or displayed.
 VarNames :
        Vector or matrix of non-empty words = variables names
 vm :   Row of decimal numbers = memory space allocated to associated
        variables, in bytes.

 Vm :   Vector or matrix of decimal numbers, having the size of
        VarNames or obj#1.
        Vm(i)   = memory allocated to the variable named VarNames(i)
                   or to the component obj#1(i).
        Vm(i,j) = memory allocated to the variable named VarNames(i,j)
                   or to the component obj#1(i,j).

 obj#1, obj#2,.. :
        Literal objects, or variables of simple data type, or
        heterogeneous containers (Lists, Cells arrays, Structures
        arrays). If a component C is itself a container, varspace()
        is not recursively applied to its components: Only its whole
        varspace is returned at the C position.

 VM :   List of vectors or matrices of decimal numbers.
        VM(i) has the size of obj#i. It provides the vector or matrix
        of numbers of bytes allocated to the components of obj#i:
        - literal objects or expressions: the object or the result
          of the expression is first assigned to a temporary variable.
          The memory space taken by this one is returned.
        - words or texts (scalar, vector or matrix): are considered
          as objects in their own, not as names of variables to be

  For a series of scilab variables, varspace() returns the respective
   amounts of allocated memory, in bytes.
  If a queried variable or a component of a list or stucture does
   not exist, a memory amount == -1 is returned.
  NOTE: Only local variables are seen. To make a global variable locally
   visible, please apply global() to it before calling varspace().
  NOTE: If two variables with the same name are defined in the local
   and the global spaces and are queried, only the local one is

    clear d
    a = 1, b = [1 2], c = [1 2 3], e = [], es = '', s1 = 'a', s2 = 'ab'
    ec = cell(); ec22 = cell(2,2); ec44 = cell(4,4); ec88 = cell(8,8);

// Specifying names of variables
// -----------------------------
    varspace ec ec22 ec44 ec88 // inline syntax (then without coma)
    varspace('a,b ,c, d, e,es, s1,s2, ec22 ec88, a')
    varspace(['a' 'b' 'c' ; 'd' 'ec' 'a']) // matrix of variables names

// Specifying objects
// ------------------
//  Matrix of texts considered as an object (because '' can't be the name 
//   of a variable) :
    varspace(['a' 'b' 'c' ; 'd' 'e' ''])

// Containers like a cells array: the memory allocated to each array's 
//  component is returned:
    c = makecell([2,3], %t,%pi,%z, list('hello',rand(3,5)),'',rand(1,3)<0.5)

// The memory allocated to the cell is greater than the sum of
//  memory allocated to its components:
    sum(varspace(c)), varspace("c")

// This is also the case for lists, that can have undefined components:
    m = rand(100,100);
    L = list(m, m+%i*m, , m<0.5, int8(m), int16(m), int32(m));
    varspace('m', L)  // Since L is an object, 'm' is considered
                      //  as a simple string (another object),
                      //  instead of a variable's name
// To get the varspace of a litteral string, you may embed it in a list:
   varspace(list("a,b ,c, d, e,es, s1,s2, ec22 ec88, a"))
// .. or priorly assign it to a variable:
    s = "a,b ,c, d, e,es, s1,s2, ec22 ec88, a";
    varspace s

  * who :

--> clear d    // d does no longer exist
--> a = 1; b = [1 2]; c = [1 2 3]; e = []; es = ''; s1 = 'a'; s2 = 'ab';
--> ec = cell(); ec22 = cell(2,2); ec44 = cell(4,4); ec88 = cell(8,8); 
--> // Specifying names of variables
--> // -----------------------------
--> varspace ec ec22 ec44 ec88 
 ans  =
    160.    240.    480.    1440.  
--> varspace('a,b ,c, d, e,es, s1,s2, ec22 ec88, a')
 ans  =
    16.    32.    40.  - 1.    16.    32.    32.    32.    240.    1440.    16. 

--> varspace(['a' 'b' 'c' ; 'd' 'ec' 'a']) 
 ans  = 
    16.    32.     40.  
  - 1.     160.    16.  
-->// Specifying objects 
-->// ------------------
--> varspace(['a' 'b' 'c' ; 'd' 'e' ''])
 ans  =
--> c=makecell([2,3],%t,%pi,%z,list('hello',rand(3,5)),'',rand(1,3)<0.5)
 c  =
!%t        3.1415927  z           !
!                                 !
!{2 list}  ""         [%f,%t,%f]  !
--> varspace(c)
 ans  =
    24.     24.    56.  
    208.    32.    24.  
--> sum(varspace(c)), varspace("c")
 ans  =
 ans  =
--> m = rand(100,100);
--> L = list(m, m+%i*m, , m<0.5, int8(m), int16(m), int32(m));
--> varspace('m', L) 
 ans  =
    80016.    160016.  - 1.    40016.    10024.    20024.    40024.  
Files (1)
[7.52 kB]
Miscellaneous file
File defining the function varspace()

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