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reorders the primary fields of a structure or an array of structures
(1739 downloads for this version - 1739 downloads for all versions)
Samuel Gougeon
Samuel Gougeon
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
May 29, 2015

function [So, k] = orderfields(S, pattern)

 Reorders primary fields of a (array of) structure according to a pattern

              orderfields         // displays this help
              orderfields demo    // runs a demo in the console
  [So, [k]] = orderfields(S)
  [So, [k]] = orderfields(S, pattern)

  S : structure or array of structures whose primary fields must be re-ordered.
  pattern: another structure with same fields as S (in the desired order),
        or vector of fields names of S, in the desired order,
        or cell of fields names of S, in the desired order,
        or vector of ranks in S of fields names of the reordered structure.
  So : re-ordered structure. The re-ordering is not applied to sub-structures.
  k  : row vector providing the ranks in S of So fields names: the field #i
       in So in met as field #k(i) in S.

  So = orderfields(S) reorders the primary fields of S in alphabetical order,
  and returns the corresponding structure So copied from S.
  So = orderfields(S, pattern) reorders the primary fields of S according to
   the order
   - of the fields of pattern, if pattern is a structure similar to S.
   - of the fields names listed in pattern, if pattern is a vector of strings
      or a cell of strings: these strings must be the fields names of S, in
      the desired order)
   - specified by their ranks in S, pattern being a vector of ranks
      = any permutation of 1 : size(fieldnames(S),"*").

   a = struct('txt','hello', 'real',%pi, 'bool',%f, 'pol',%z)
   b = struct('real',%e, 'txt','bonjour', 'pol',(%s-1)^2, 'bool',%t)
   [r, i] = orderfields(a, b)
   [r, i] = orderfields(a, ['bool' 'real' 'pol' 'txt'])
   c = makecell([1,4], 'bool', 'pol', 'txt', 'real')
   [r, i] = orderfields(a, c)
   [r, i] = orderfields(a, [4 3 2 1])

-->   a = struct('txt','hello', 'real',%pi, 'bool',%f, 'pol',%z)
 a  =
   txt: "hello"
   real: 3.1415927
   bool: %f
   pol: z
-->   b = struct('real',%e, 'txt','bonjour', 'pol',(%s-1)^2, 'bool',%t)
 b  =
   real: 2.7182818
   txt: "bonjour"
   pol: 1-2*s+s^2
   bool: %t
-->   [r, i] = orderfields(a, b)
 i  =
    2.    1.    4.    3.  
 r  =
   real: 3.1415927
   txt: "hello"
   pol: z
   bool: %f
-->   a
 a  =
   txt: "hello"
   real: 3.1415927
   bool: %f
   pol: z
-->   [r, i] = orderfields(a, ['bool' 'real' 'pol' 'txt'])
 i  =
    3.    2.    4.    1.  
 r  =
   bool: %f
   real: 3.1415927
   pol: z
   txt: "hello"
-->   a
 a  =
   txt: "hello"
   real: 3.1415927
   bool: %f
   pol: z
-->   c = makecell([1,4], 'bool', 'pol', 'txt', 'real')
 c  =
!"bool"  "pol"  "txt"  "real"  !
-->   [r, i] = orderfields(a, c)
 i  =
    3.    4.    1.    2.  
 r  =
   bool: %f
   pol: z
   txt: "hello"
   real: 3.1415927
-->   a
 a  =
   txt: "hello"
   real: 3.1415927
   bool: %f
   pol: z
-->   [r, i] = orderfields(a, [4 3 2 1])
 i  =
    4.    3.    2.    1.  
 r  =
   pol: z
   bool: %f
   real: 3.1415927
   txt: "hello"

Files (1)
[6.43 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Macro defining the function orderfields()

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* Get help: Enter "orderfields" without parameters 

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