linear regression with multiple variables
Upload date : 2012-10-05 17:54:14 MD5 : d333ccbf24bc3848523ac82adfc718fc SHA1 : 765d6b11013350ea1b246e3e22c6a99a25667f9d Downloads : 1660
manual for linfit function
Upload date : 2012-10-05 17:55:18 MD5 : 44265f52f187205219b277bef9aa8429 SHA1 : a1e7a6edbb384fea4b8370a2984133d9548af995 Downloads : 1417
Hello, Just transfering the whole bloc of heading comments just after the "function ...linfit(..)" line (whithout any uncommented blank line in-between and in the bloc) would enable head_comment() on it: More handy than editing the script. Thanks! Samuel