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Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets

Testing Cyclic Permutations and cosets, Galois Theory
(147 downloads for this version - 2294 downloads for all versions)
Jean-pierre Ortolland
Jean-pierre Ortolland
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
December 1, 2016
            because  I did mistakes when I Computed the cyclic permutations. 
I made a little Scilab script to test permutations .

Three main functions:

//input ThisS in this form ThisS=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] ;
//or in this form ThisS=['ABCD'] ;
// ; (must be natural number)
//[S SS]= PermuteThis(ThisS,LikeThat,Times)
//Example PermuteThis(['ABCD'],['BCDA'],1)
//gives the result SS:BCDA  S:2341
function [S,SS]  = PermuteThis(ThisS,LikeThat,Times)

// execute all permutation (one per row) contained in LikeThat List)
// example : if you want to apply  < <1 2 3 >, <3 4 > >
// on a Sequence of 4 letters ABCD which means 
// first < 1 2 3 > and then < 3 4 >
// you must input 
//ThisS=['ABCD'] ; ListLikeThat=list( [ 1 2 3 ],[ 3 4 ]) ; Times=1 
// [S,SS]  = SequencePermuteThis(ThisS,ListLikeThat,Times)
function [SL,SSL]  = ListPermuteThis(ThisS,ListLikeThat,Times)

function [ListSeqString,ListSeq ] = GetTheSequence(ThisS,LastThisS)
 // get the List of sequences which has been applied
 //  to transform LastThisS (Latter This) to ThisS
 // Example LastThisS='ABCD' then if 
 // ThisS:CBAD  S:3214  => ListSeq=list([1 3])
 // ThisS:CABD  S:3124  ==> ListSeq=list([1 2 3])
 // ThisS:DBAC  S:4213  ==> ListSeq=list([1 3 4])
 // ThisS:DABC  S:4123  ==> ListSeq=list([1 2 3 4])
 // ThisS:BADC  S:2143  ==> ListSeq=list([1 2],[3 4])

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some bugs fixed !
file with permutation matrices added
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