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One dimensional Time Series to M X N matrix conversion

This function converts a one dimensional time series to an array of M X N matrix given by user
(1436 downloads for this version - 1436 downloads for all versions)
paawan sharma
paawan sharma
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
April 23, 2015
            //This function converts a one dimensional time series to
    //an array of m X n matrix given by user along with original time series x
    // Example usage------
    //x = floor(100*rand(1,9))
    // x = 30.    87.    53.    30.    33.    23.    25.    85.    48.  
    //Length of Required Matrix is more than original series length
    // Hence, 3 zeros will be appended in original time series
    // w  =
    //    30.    87.    53.  
    //    30.    33.    23.  
    //    25.    85.    48.  
    //    0.     0.     0.
    //Length of Required Matrix is less than original series length
    // Hence, 1  end data points of series will be lost
    // w  =
    //    30.    87.  
    //    53.    30.  
    //    33.    23.  
    //    25.    85.              
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Comment from Samuel Gougeon -- May 10, 2015, 01:13:56 AM    
A two-line implementation extended to hypermatrices:

function a = ts2array(ts, s)
    dims = [2 1 3:length(s)]
    a = permute(matrix(resize_matrix(ts(:),prod(s),1),[s(2) s(1) s(3:$)]), dims)

x  = [ 30.    87.    53.    30.    33.    23.    25.    85.    48.];
ts2array(x,[4 3])
ts2array(x,[4 2])
ts2array(x,[2 4 2])

-->x  = [ 30.    87.    53.    30.    33.    23.    25.    85.    48.];
-->ts2array(x,[4 3])
 ans  =
    30.    87.    53.  
    30.    33.    23.  
    25.    85.    48.  
    0.     0.     0.   
-->ts2array(x,[4 2])
 ans  =
    30.    87.  
    53.    30.  
    33.    23.  
    25.    85.  
-->ts2array(x,[2 4 2])
 ans  =
    30.    87.    53.    30.  
    33.    23.    25.    85.  
    48.    0.    0.    0.  
    0.     0.    0.    0.  
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