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Intercorrelations analysis

One of the pls methods studying relations between two groups
(1290 downloads for this version - 1290 downloads for all versions)
Lukas Malec
Lukas Malec
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
January 14, 2016
            function [sv,ycanon,xcanon,coeff] = pls(X,Y,stdize)

// Intercorrelations analysis

// X ... data matrix arranged as columns - variables and rows - observations
// Y ... the other group arranged accordingly
// stdize 0 ... made on standardized data (default)
//        1 ... analysis on centered data

// coeff ... coefficients (singular vectors) - columns correspond to individual
// canonical variables, the Y coefficients below X ones
// xcanon ... X canonical variables - linear combinations
// ycanon ... Y canonical variables - linear combinations
// sv ... singular values

// Authors: Lukáš Malec and Jaroslav Poživil
// Date: $2016-01-05$            
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