function [out] = ex355p(handle,command,data)
Scilab Driver for TTI EX355P power supply
Several power supplies may be connected on their respective ports on the
same computer. Each one will be addressed through its own handle.
* Scilab >= 5 is required
* Serial TCL toolbox 0.2 (E. Segre) must be loaded:
* OS: For Windows or Linux. Mac OS X does not support this driver (TCL used)
#1: Serial port number ('open' command), or handle returned by 'open'
(for all other commands). See examples.
#2: instruction to be performed by the device
#3: (optional) needed data (voltage or current value to be set, ...)
The power supply must be connected to the chosen serial port #1-9.
Connexion parameters are: 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
port, 'open' : Open the RS-232 communication for the given RS-232 port.
If port is a string, it must follow the format "COM#:" or
'/dev/ttyS#' with # stating from 1 in the first case (Windows) and
from 0 in the second case (Linux). Else, integer numbers from 0 to 9
must be specified.
out = handle (string) of the device whether the connexion is
established, 0 otherwise.
handle, 'close' : Close the RS-232 communication for the given device (handle)
and frees the reserved port. out==1: OK ; out==0: KO
After the 1st parameter = device handle (as returned by its 'open' command),
the second parameter is the command (case-insensitive). It can be:
"vset?" : returns the voltage setting (number in V)
"v?" : returns the actual voltage (number in V)
"v", v : sets the voltage to the value v (number in [0, 35] V)
"iset?" : returns the current setting (number in A)
"i?" : returns the actual current delivered (number in A)
"i", i : sets the current intensity to the value i (in [0 ,5] A)
"p?" : returns the actual power delivered (number in W)
"on" : activates the power output. Returns 1 if OK, 0 if KO
"off" : cancels the power output. Returns 1 if OK, 0 if KO.
"out?" : returns the output status: 'ON' | 'OFF'
"mode?" : returns the activated mode: "CC" | "CV"
(Constant Current or Constant Voltage). The actual mode is
automatically set by the device according to the output load and
V and I settings. It is not possible to force it.
"reset" : resets settings to Vset = 1V, Iset = 1A, no output
"id?" : returns the commercial identification of the device:
'err?' : returns the error status:
'no error' | 'unknown command' | 'out of range'
id = ex355p(3, "open"); // opens the serial com. through port #3,
// provided that the device is connected to this port
ex355p(id, "vset", 3.5); // sets U = 3.5 V
ex355p(id, "iset", 2.14); // sets I = 2.14 A
ex355p(id, "on"); // activates the output
ex355p(id, "v?"); // reads out the actual voltage
ex355p(id, "p?"); // reads out the actual power delivered
ex355p(id, "off"); // stops the output
ex355p(id, "id?"); // returns e.g. 'Thandar,EX355P,0,v2.00'
ex355p // displays these heading comments as an help