function [out] = LDS1200(port, command, data)
Scilab Driver for the Mikos LDS 1200 Laser Diode controler (YAG setup)
Input arguments:
#1: Serial port number (for the open command),
or serial port handle returned by "open" (for all other
#2: Command name (case unsensitive)
#3: Data (current, temperature,..). Undifferently numeric or
case-unsensitive string.
This function drives a LDS 1200 Laser Diode controler (by Micos(tm))
* Scilab > 5.2.0 is required
* Serial TCL toolbox loaded: http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/serial
* OS : Windows or Linux plateform. Mac OS X are not supported (for TCL)
* The Laser diode controler must be connected to the chosen serial port.
For information, connexion parameters are:
9600 bauds, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, Hardware Hand shake.
port, 'OPEN' : Open the RS-232 communication for the given RS-232 port.
If port is a string, it must follow the format "COM#:" or
"/dev/ttyS#" with # stating from 1 in the first case
(Windows) and
from 0 in the second case (Linux). Else, integer numbers from 0
0 or N must be specified.
Returns 1 whether the connexion is established, 0 otherwise.
Remark: The LED does not switch to Remote on the device.
port, 'CLOSE' : Close the RS-232 communication for the given port (handle).
Returned 1 = OK
COMMANDS, data : Commands are case unsensitive
'banner?' : returns the welcome message describing the connected device
'vers?' : returns the version of the driving firmware
'temp?' : returns the set temperature
Firmware <=2.40 bugged: only the integer part is returned.
'temp', T : sets the temperature to the value T (in [°C], in [5, 35]°C)
'mA?' : returns the set current (integer)
'mA', C : sets the pumping diode current to C (integer, in [mA])
'mAmax?' : returns the maximal value of the current (in [mA])
'mod?' : returns %T (true) whether the modulation mode is on, %F otherwise.
'mod',0 : turns off the modulation mode
'mod',1 : turns on the modulation mode
'modShape?': returns 'tri' for triangular modulation, 'sqr' otherwise
'modShape', 'tri' : sets the modulation shape to triangular
'modShape', 'sqr' : sets the modulation shape to square.
(actually, the string may be anything not containing 'tri')
'Fmod?' : returns the modulation frequency (in ~[280, 850] Hz)
'Fmod',F : sets to F the modulation frequency (in ~[280, 850] Hz)
'modOffset?': returns the relative modulation offset range (int in [0,100] %)
Firmware bugged (<=2.40): 0 or 2 is returned, instead of the %
'modOffset',S: sets to S (integer in [0,100] %) the relative mod. offset
'gain?' : returns the current value of the photodiode gain.
Possible values are 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500
'gain',G : sets the photodiode gain to G. Possible values listed above.
If another value is asked, no action is done.
'gain+' : Increases by one step the photodiode gain.
Increasing gain=500 by one step leaves it unchanged
'gain+' : Decreases by one step the photodiode gain.
Decreasing gain=1 by one step sets leaves it unchanged