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Title Last update Authors Downloads Summary Rating
123asd 06/07/2022 asd asd 0 asd
SuDoKu 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 1266 Solves sudoku grids
Katamino 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 346 Solves incomplete 5 x 11 katamino / pentominos grids
Nonogram / Picross 19/07/2020 Jérôme LABATUT 684 Solves nonogram / picross puzzles
OXO (Tic-Tac-Toe) 10/03/2018 Jérôme LABATUT 1154 A Scilab clone for the OXO game
Scilab menu item enabling/disabling 12/12/2017 Simon MARCHETTO 1239 Macro to enable/disable a menu item in the main Scilab console
Reversi 05/03/2017 Jérôme LABATUT 1288 A Scilab clone for the Reversi game
Fractal curves and snowflakes 31/07/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 295 Draws by iteration fractal curves
Newton basins of attraction 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 985 Draws the basins of attraction of known solutions for the Newton iteration
Mandelbrot set generator 27/05/2016 Jérôme LABATUT 3701 Draws the Mandebrot set for a list of usual mathematical functions
browseURL() 13/09/2015 Samuel Gougeon 1849 opens URLs in the default or preferred internet browser (OS-independent)
Filtrage Numerique 07/08/2015 jean-claude maurin 7776 GUI Digital Filter IIR FIR
Drawing Bezier Splines 25/11/2013 Andreas Geissler 3058 drawing cubic bezier splines in the 2D-plane
ADS_CoLiSyS 11/02/2012 J. Ernesto Velázquez L. 3212 GUI for the Analysis, Design, Simulation & Control of Linear Systems in Continuous and Discrete Time
Colors Cube GUI 24/08/2011 Jean-Luc GOUDIER 1393 Browse thousands of colors with an original GUI
schmidtplot 03/04/2011 lukas wischounig 5002 the script draws great circles and points from tectonic data in a .xls file.
Spiral Graph GUI 22/03/2011 david adams 740 Based on the toy Spirograph
Speech Analysis using LPC 13/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5850 A GUI for Speech Analysis using LPC
Character Recognition Example 07/03/2011 Chin Luh Tan 5781 This demo shows the recognition stage for the character recognition.