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Notepad++ for Scilab : Functions and args completion + Syntax highlighting

Completion of functions & arguments list + syntax colorization with Notepad++ for Scilab
(1439 downloads for this version - 37264 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab exists: 6.1
Samuel Gougeon
Samuel Gougeon
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
July 22, 2011
            Please refer to the latest release of this set of files:

This uncomplete one was a transient due to some FileExchange bug.
Files (1)
[30.55 kB]
Miscellaneous file
UserDefineLang.xml : File defining extended sets of all reserved Scilab keywords
(for Scilab 5.3.3), rules and styles for Scilab syntax highlighting.
UserDefineLang.xml must be stored at the root of the Notepad++ installation
directory (for all Notepadd++ users), or in the user profile (often C:\Documents
and settings\your_login\Application Data\Notepad++\UserDefineLang.xml).
Your own UserDefineLang.xml file may contain rules for customized languages
other than Scilab. This is why it is preferable to properly import this release
for Scilab with the Import command (Menu Settings => Import), or to edit it and
copy/paste the  block for Scilab in it.
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