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Water and steam properties according to IAPWS IF-97
(1051 downloads for this version - 3577 downloads for all versions)
Oleksiy Bondarenko
Oleksiy Bondarenko
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
May 24, 2020
            Developed By Magnus Holmgren for MatLab
Modified for SciLab.
Compatible with 6.0.x version of SciLab

XSteam provides accurate steam and water properties from 0 - 1000 bar and from 0
- 2000 deg C according to the standard IAPWS IF-97. For accuracy of the
functions in different regions see IF-97 (

A minor modification added to Ver 1.1
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Comment from Rudyak Timur -- December 17, 2020, 10:26:14 PM    
Interesting stuff! I'm working in a HVAC industry, Water Boiler, Air Conditioner or Furnace
maintenance, repair and installation is my primary job. So its very important for me to
know   accurate steam and water properties from 0 - 1000 bar and from 0 - 2000 deg C. By
the way - we have a lot of great HVAC Maintenance & Repair articles on our web site, be
sure to ckeck it out:
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