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Scilab Style for Notepad++

For syntax highlighting, functions autocompletion and input args memo
(11091 downloads for this version - 17618 downloads for all versions)
adrien vogt-schilb
adrien vogt-schilb
Supported Scilab Version
Creation Date
May 2, 2011
            *CAUTION* : I am not updating this anymore. 
I recommend to use newer versions available at

Syntax highlighter for notepad++.
Updated with Samuel Gougeon's API for scilab functions.

Contains the whole scilab 5.3 list of functions which will auto-complete by
typing Ctrl+Space by defaults (different than Ctrl+Enter for word completion,
try both)

Please note that 'single quoted strings' are not supported by this highlighter.
They are in conflict with transposition operator. Use "double quoted
strings instead". 
(Note that Scilab 5.4 or newer might provide a tool for converting 'quotes' to

See help on how to use on files description

Files (3)
[121.92 kB]
unix binary for Scilab .x
Notepad++ using this "toolbox". Note the tool-tip with scilab function args
reminder (thanks to Samuel Gougeon), the fact that scilab functions are
displayed in italics, the double quoted strings, and the blocks (on the left
This screenshot also shows some n++ features: there is a file explorer on the
left and a console with scilab runing the current script at the bottom.
[490.70 kB]
Miscellaneous file
File for functions argument reminder (see the tooltip in the screenshot). Also
allows to auto-complete functions: by instance, type ND and then Ctrl+Space, n++
will suggest NDcost. 
To be saved in NOTEPAP++DIR/plugins/APIS
(NOTEPAP++DIR is c:/Program Files/Notepad++ by default)
[28.52 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Download this file to your desktop or any temp dir.
Then open n++, open the User Language Panel (it's a button with a lightning on
it), then use import, search for the scilab_nsq_style.xml you just downloaded,
and that's it.
When the operation works, you should have a "Scilab_noquote" entry in the
"Language Menu" and n++ should auto-detect scilab files with their extension
(*.sce, *.sci and *.tst).
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